KG Beauty

Kauneus studio sijaitsee Nummelan keskustassa, Linjaportti talon toisessa kerroksessa. 3 tunnin ilmaiset parkkipaikat rakennuksen yhteydessä.


Employee picture

Ksenija G.

Olen 22 vuotias yrittäjä. Kynsitekijän uran aloitin vuonna 2018 jonka jälkeen olen käynyt koulutuksia Suomessa ja Latviassa. Osallistunut kynsikilpailuhin mm. Suomen, Viron ja Abu Dhabi kisoissa ja voittanut toiset sijat. Ripsientekijän uran aloitin vuonna 2020. Rakastan eniten kynsissä koristelu vaihen, kun pääsee käyttää luovuutta. Koska olen todella tarkka, ripset ovat just se, missä pääsen käyttää tarkkuuttani ja keskittyy. 2024 suoritin PodologiaSuomi jalkahoito koulutuksen . Lämpimästi tervetuloa minun ihanaan kauneus studioon joka sijaitsee Nummelan keskustassa!



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 KG Beauty


 Tuusantie 1 03100 Nummela


KynnetHinta alk.
Rakennekynnet (lyhyet/keskipitkät)
Rakennekynnet geelillä tai polygeelillä, koneellinen manikyyri, sis. värilakkaus
92,00 €
Rakennekynnet (pitkät)
Rakennekynnet geelillä tai polygeelillä, koneellinen manikyyri, sis. värilakkaus
99,00 €
Rakennekynsien huolto 1,5h
62,00 €
Rakennekynsien huolto 2h
sis. kahden kynnen koristelut (glitter, timantit, tarrat tai kuviot
69,00 €
Geelilakkaus vahvistuksella
Koneellinen manikyyri, sis. yhden kynnen koristelut (glitter, timantit, tarrat tai kuviot)
55,00 €
Kynsien siistiminen, koneellinen manikyyri, kuorinta ja käsihieronta
38,00 €
Kynnen korjaus
12,00 €
Rakennekynsien poisto
Rakennekynsien poisto, manikyyri, oman kynnen siistiminen
30,00 €
Geelilakkauksen poisto
Geelin poisto, manikyyri, oman kynnen siistiminen
25,00 €
Ripset ja KulmatHinta alk.
Jokaiseen omaan ripseen kiinnitetään useampi ripsikuitu viuhkana.
92,00 €
Volyymiripsien huolto 2h
Noin 30 % ripsistä jäljellä
75,00 €
Volyymiripsien huolto 1,5h
noin 50 % ripsistä jäljellä
62,00 €
Volyymiripsien pikahuolto.
Pikahuolto volyymipidennyksille.
55,00 €
Hybrid ripsienpidennys
Volyymi ja klassisten kuitujen sekoitus
85,00 €
Hybrid ripsienhuolto
67,00 €
Klassinen ripsienpidennys
Jokaiseen omaan ripseen kiinnitetään yksi ripsikuitu.
75,00 €
Ripsihuolto klassisille pidennyksille
Ripsihuolto klassisille pidennyksille, vähintään kolmasosa jäljellä.
62,00 €
Pidennysten poisto
20,00 €
Ripsien värjäys
Ripsien kestovärjäys.
25,00 €
Kulmien värjäys ja muotoilu
Kulmien muotoilu ja kestovärjäys.
15,00 €
Ripsien ja kulmien värjäys sekä kulmien muotoilu
Ripsien ja kulmien kestovärjäys sekä kulmien muotoilu.
40,00 €
JalkahoidotHinta alk.
Varpaankynsien geelilakkaus
Kynsien muotoilu, kynsinauhojen siistiminen, lakkaus ja voide.
50,00 €
Jalkahoito kevyt geelilakkauksella
Kylpy, kynsienhoito, jalkapohjan hoito, kuorinta, geelilakkaus
60,00 €
Jalkahoito geelilakkauksella
Kylpy, kynsienhoito, jalkapohjan hoito, halkeamien hoito, kuorinta, geelilakkaus
70,00 €
Jalkahoito vaativa geelilakkausella
Kylpy, kynsienhoito, jalkapohjan hoito, isojen kovettumien ja halkeamien hoito, kuorinta, geelilakkaus
78,00 €
Jalkahoito kevyt
Kylpy, kynsienhoito, jalkapohjan hoito, kuorinta
45,00 €
Kylpy, kynsienhoito, jalkapohjan hoito, halkeamien hoito, kuorinta
55,00 €
Jalkahoito vaativa
Kylpy, kynsienhoito, jalkapohjan hoito, isojen kovettumien ja halkeamien hoito, kuorinta
65,00 €
TatuointiHinta alk.
On this meeting we can talk about your tattoo ideas, check proper size or find lucky places for your new tattoo.
0,00 €
LävistyksetHinta alk.
A tongue piercing involves placing a barbell through the center of the tongue. Healing takes about 4-6 weeks, with initial swelling expected. Proper aftercare, like rinsing with special saline solution, is essential to prevent infection.
40,00 €
Its piercing a small fold of tissue that connects the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. The piercing is typically done with a small gauge needle and a curved barbell or a small ring is usually inserted. Healing generally takes 4-8 weeks, with careful aftercare required to prevent irritation or infection.
40,00 €
Is a piercing through the thin strip of tissue (frenulum) that connects the upper lip to the gum. The piercing is typically done with a small gauge needle, and a curved barbell or a small ring is usually inserted. It’s often visible only when you smile, hence the name "smiley." Healing generally takes 4-8 weeks, with careful aftercare required to prevent irritation or infection.
35,00 €
It mades usually on the curve above the nostril (right or left). It typically takes 2 to 4 months to heal, though full healing can take up to 6 months. Proper aftercare, including cleaning with special saline solution, is essential for preventing infection.
35,00 €
This piercing placed through the thin tissue between the nostrils, just below the nasal cartilage. It's often adorned with circular jewelry like rings or horseshoes. The piercing typically takes 6 to 8 weeks to heal with proper aftercare, including cleaning with special saline solution, is essential for preventing infection. It has versatile look that can be easily hidden or showcased.
40,00 €
This facial piercing located horizontally through the skin on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes. Healing time is around 8 to 12 weeks, though it requires careful aftercare due to its prominent location and the potential for rejection or migration. It typically uses a straight barbell and creates a striking, unconventional look.
40,00 €
Its a facial piercing placed vertically or at an angle through the eyebrow, usually near the outer edge. It’s commonly adorned with a curved barbell or a ring. The piercing takes about 6 to 8 weeks to heal. Offering a bold and actually expressive look that enhances the facial contours and adds a unique, edgy style.
35,00 €
Monro/ Madonna
Monroe and Madonna piercings are lip piercings named after the iconic beauty marks of Marilyn Monroe and Madonna. The Monroe piercing is placed on the left side above the upper lip, mimicking Monroe's beauty mark, while the Madonna piercing is on the right side. Both piercings take about 8 to 12 weeks to heal with proper aftercare, including cleaning with special saline solution, is essential for preventing infection.
30,00 €
A Medusa piercing is a central upper lip piercing located in the philtrum, the groove between the nose and the top lip. It typically features a labret stud and takes around 6 to 12 weeks to heal with careful aftercare, including cleaning with special saline solution, is essential for preventing infection.The piercing adds a bold, symmetrical accent to the face, highlighting the lips.
40,00 €
It placed below the lower lip, centered or slightly off-center, and is often adorned with a stud or ring after full healed. It usually takes about 6 to 10 weeks to heal, but full healing can take up to 4-6 months . This piercing accentuates the lower lip and chin area, adding a subtle yet striking detail to the face.
40,00 €
Vertical labret
It is a variation where two holes are made through the lower lip and chin area. It features a curved barbell with beads on both ends, creating a vertical line. Healing typically takes 6 to 10 weeks with careful aftercare with special saline solution. Finally it adds a distinctive, elongated accent to the lower face.
40,00 €
Its a single piercing that goes through the center of the lower lip, exiting inside the mouth. Healing takes about 10 to 14 weeks, with careful aftercare with special saline solution. But full healing can take up to 6-9 months. This piercing creates a bold, symmetrical look, drawing attention to the lip and adding a unique touch to your style.
40,00 €
A lobe piercing is the most common type of ear piercing, located on the soft, fleshy lower part of the earlobe. It’s typically the first piercing people get and can accommodate a wide variety of jewelry, from studs to hoops. Healing time is relatively quick, usually around 6 to 8 weeks, but full healing can take up to 4 months.
20,00 €
A helix piercing is placed along the upper cartilage of the ear, typically on the outer rim. It's popular for its versatility, allowing for studs or hoops. Healing takes longer than lobe piercings, around 3 to 6 months. This piercing adds a stylish touch to the ear's natural curve.
30,00 €
Its done in the inner cartilage of the ear, either in the lower or upper part. It can be adorned with studs or larger hoops that encircle the ear's outer edge. First healing takes 8-12 weeks with careful aftercare with special saline solution, and full healing takes about 6 to 9 months due to the thick cartilage, and it offers a unique, bold look.
40,00 €
Forward helix
This piercing is placed on the upper front cartilage of the ear, near the face and above the tragus. Often adorned with small studs or hoops, it takes about 3 to 6 months to heal. This piercing adds a trendy and distinctive touch, enhancing the ear's overall appearance.
30,00 €
This piercing located on the flat, broad area of cartilage on the upper ear. It's usually adorned with small studs or decorative jewelry. Healing takes around 3 to 6 months. This piercing offers a sleek, modern look.
30,00 €
A daith piercing is placed in the innermost fold of the ear’s cartilage, near the ear canal. It’s often adorned with small hoops, D-ring or heart-shaped rings. Healing takes about 6 to 9 months due to the dense cartilage. Known for its unique placement, the daith piercing adds a distinct and stylish touch to the ear.
40,00 €
It placed through the upper cartilage fold in the inner ear. It is typically adorned with small, curved barbells or hoops. Healing takes about 3 to 6 months due to the cartilage. This piercing provides a distinctive but in the same time demure look, besides adds elegance and refinement in your style.
40,00 €
A tragus piercing is done through the small, rounded cartilage just in front of the ear canal. Typically adorned with studs or small hoops, it takes about 3 to 6 months to heal with careful aftercare with special saline solution. This piercing adds a distinctive, stylish detail to the ear’s natural shape.
30,00 €
Anti tragus
An anti-tragus piercing is placed in the small cartilage area opposite the tragus, just above the earlobe. It’s usually adorned with small studs or hoops. Healing time is around 3 to 6 months due to the cartilage. Its pretty rare piercing, so it makes emphasis on your unique and refinement.
35,00 €
Forward tragus (Snug)
Its located through the inner cartilage ridge of the ear. It’s typically adorned with a curved barbell or small hoop. Healing time is around 6 to 12 months due to the cartilage's density. Snug its one of rare piercings, makes your style individual and unique.
35,00 €
This piercing involves two holes connected by a single, long barbell, placed through the upper cartilage of the ear. It spans from one side of the helix to the other. Healing takes about 6 to 12 months, and the piercing perfect for showcasing unique jewelry.
50,00 €
Vertical industrial
This piercing involves two connected piercings along the ear's vertical plane, through the conch (auricle). It’s typically linked by a single straight barbell. Healing takes 6 to 12 months due to the dual cartilage punctures. This piercing creates a bold, standout look, adding an unusual and attractive element to the ear.
50,00 €
An orbital piercing involves two holes in the ear cartilage or lobe, connected by a single hoop earring, creating a “orbiting” effect. Commonly placed in the outer helix or earlobe, it takes about 3 to 6 months to heal. This piercing offers a unique, continuous look that stands out stylishly.
50,00 €
A nipple piercing involves puncturing the nipple horizontally or vertically and inserting first a barbell and after healing a hoop. It typically takes 6 to 12 months to fully heal due to the sensitivity of the area. This piercing can enhance sensitivity, exciting and increase a bold, personal statement, often hidden but impactful when revealed.
50,00 €
Symmetry nipples
Symmetry nipple piercings involve piercing both nipples at the same height and position for a balanced, symmetrical appearance. Typically adorned firstly with barbells and after full healing with rings, these piercings take about 6 to 12 months to heal. This piercings can enhance sensitivity, excitation and offering aesthetically pleasing look, enhancing the natural symmetry of the body.
90,00 €
A navel piercing is located just above or below the belly button, adorned with a curved barbell. It usually takes 6 to 12 months to fully heal. This piercing highlights the belly area, making it a popular choice for those who enjoy showing off this part of their body with stylish jewelry.
45,00 €
Replacement of jewellery
replacement, downsize, upsize
10,00 €